Sunday 5 August 2012

Tunerstudio 2 crack update (reset/clean)

Tunerstudio not working because you allowed it to connect to the internet?

No problem,  download the cleaner and password will work again!

Here is the link, (VB6 runtime library might be needed but try without it first)


Wednesday 25 July 2012

Crack for Tunerstudio 2.05 as well as original 2.0.5 installation .

EDIT:  Download the cleaner (see newer post) instead. It has the password, original 2.0.5 installation and a bad password cleaner, which allows re-use of blacklisted password!  Keep the 2.0.5 original installation, don't expect the next upgrade to let you use it!

TUNERSTUDIO(2.x)(CRACK)(by cardude).zip